
October 30, 2013 3:28 pm

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Google Apps for Education and Safe Student Email

2Simple 2email  RM Easymail have served schools well in the past when introducing the concept of emailing at the end of KS1.



Schools in London also have access to London Mail via their London Grid for Learning broadband subscription package.

Launch Button - LondonMail

 But what happens when your school does not already have access to either of these? Teachers often mention that they tend not to use the above tools even when they have access to them. Why not?

I think that using a different system can sometimes feel too inaccessible, too much to remember each time the email topic comes round.

Turn IT On have been installing Google Apps for Education in many schools where its features suit the requirements of the school. Google Apps for Education is free, and has some incredible tools. Gmail is intuitive, universal and familiar for many.


Ian Addison is a teacher and a Google Apps certified trainer. He also manages a very active blog that many have come to rely on for news in primary Computing and ICT. His article Google Apps FAQs explores the features and limitations when using Gmail in Google Apps with primary school students. He also discusses the implications when teaching and how to ensure safety online.




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