
June 17, 2016 9:20 am

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Turn IT On SIMS Reporting Suite


Turn IT On are excited to announce the launch of our new SIMS Reporting Suite, where you can extract useful information from SIMS at the click of a button.

Working with schools, we have designed more than 20 reports that make use of the SIMS data your school is inputting every day. These time-saving reports help your school staff to plan, assess, organise and communicate more effectively

Report 1

Key Features:

– Reports suited for all teams across the school
All reports available at the click of a button to any SIMS user
Comprehensive user guide detailing each report
Our MIS team at the end of the phone to advise and support you
Annual upgrades and new reports.

Find out more about the SIMS Reporting Suite by downloading the PDF or email 

reporting download image


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