July 16, 2019 4:22 pm
Written by Ellie Wilding
Princes Risborough Office Move
This week our Schools Support Team (formerly known as the Technical Helpdesk), MIS and Finance Support Teams have moved to a new office, just over a mile down the road.
Our MIS Support team opened in September 2011 and Suite 7, The Malthouse had been the team’s home for the past 8 years. As the number of schools we support has grown so has the size of our MIS, Finance and Schools Support Teams meaning Suite 7 became rather snug with no room for further expansion so the decision was made to move to a new office.

The new Buckinghamshire office address is:
Unit E4, Regent Park, Summerleys Road, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire, HP27 9LE.
Unit E4 is located just over a mile from our previous office and just a 10 minute walk from Princes Risborough train station. The new office is on two floors with the MIS, Finance and Schools Support Teams’ on the ground floor and training facilities and meeting rooms upstairs.
If you have any upcoming MIS training scheduled the team will be in touch with directions and parking instructions to ensure you find your way to the new office.
Please note for your records our internal Finance, HR and Procurement teams are still based in our Oxford office: Wittas House, Two Rivers, Station Lane, Witney, OX28 4BH.