..cross curricular Literacy ICT ideas.
1. Algorithms in Literacy
Writing algorithms for everyday tasks in Literacy. Presenting them in a computing style layout either using MSWord or written in their books. Phil Bagge has some great ideas for such tasks.
2. Write your own computer adventure game.
Quest lets children make interactive story games. They don’t need to know how to program. They just need a story to tell. Their game can be played anywhere. In a web browser, downloaded to a PC, or turned into an app.
3. Character descriptions
Use Skitch (iPads) or wordle to create character descriptions in Literacy. SKitch has a great many uses cross-curricularly as anything can be labelled from plants in science to properties of a shape in maths.
4. Use Computer Games as inspiration.
It has been proven that the biggest form of entertainment in the UK is now video games. Using something that stimulates and engages children can lead to some amazing writing. The Literacy Shed provides lots of different resources including The Video Shed where there are ideas on how you can use games in your classroom.
5. Drama with Scratch
As well as creating animations and games Scratch can be used to create a drama scene. This maybe to tell a joke, share some historical knowledge, or talk about PHSE issues. This could also be done using Kar2ouche if the school has access to it.