
May 21, 2014 8:23 am

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Sports grant details required on school websites

As listed in one of our previous posts there are lots of requirements that must be included on your school’s website. As from April 2014 it is now also a legal requirement to publish details of the way your school is spending its sports grant and the effect this spending will have on participation.

Here is the Government’s official stance:

“We hold schools accountable by requiring them to publish by April 2014, on their websites, details of how they spend (or will spend) their PE and sport grant. They must also include detail about the impact this funding has on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment.”

Here is how two other schools have approached the requirement:

Brook Field Primary School

Chalfont St Giles Village School

The requirement is fairly open to interpretation; it looks like you don’t need to explain the value of your school’s grant as long as detail is thorough about the impact this is having on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment.

If you would like advice about how to construct the statement we suggest speaking to Ofsted and asking what they will be looking for and what their suggestions are.

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