COVID-19 - turn IT on

The COVID-19 outbreak, also known as Coronavirus has been declared a public health emergency of international concern by The World Health Organisation. The UK Government continues to work with the UK Chief Medical Officer and Scientific Advisors to plan for all eventualities.

Although the situation is continuously changing turn IT on would like to reassure our customers, partners, staff, and suppliers across the UK that we are taking the issue extremely seriously. We are following the situation as it unfolds and will continue to do so until further notice. The company is responding in line with guidance from the Government and public health authorities and our approach will continue to evolve as new information becomes available.

Turn IT on is constantly working to keep up to date with the situation and ensure that we are prepared to adapt accordingly as the issue develops further. Circumstances are not ideal but turn IT on is still providing services and support to all our customers throughout this time.

We aim to ensure that schools receive the same level of professionalism and care offered to them in the past whilst also prioritising the health and wellbeing of our team members.

For questions or concerns about the impact of COVID-19 on your services, please contact us.


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