Google Workspace - turn IT on

Google Educator Programme (Level 1)

The Google Educator Level 1 (GE L1) programme of sessions will be delivered by turn IT on as a Google Partner. The Google Educator programme is aimed at staff who want to take the first steps in becoming confident with adopting the potential of Google Workspace tools.


It follows success where turn IT on have worked with staff who joined us for Google events or webinars to support their professional development. The Google Educator programme is designed to help teachers who are passionate about teaching learn to get the most from technology that exists in their schools. It is about making excellent use of the myriad of Google Workspace education tools available with the aim to positively impact on pupil progress and support reduction of teacher workloads. Technology will not have an impact in school without vision planning and holistic engagement from staff. To ensure any new technology achieves its full potential there must be a driving force digital leader at the school. The Google Educator programme is about helping teachers to become the catalyst for change. We want to help teachers become inspired to then inspire their pupils and fellow staff in their school.


The Google Educator Programme (Level 1) consists of a series of seven online meetings/training
sessions which will run over the course of four months. Meetings will be delivered by members of
the turn IT on digital transformation team lead by our own Google Educators. Each meeting will
focus on a different aspect of the Google Workspace for Education suite, Google Classroom as well
as specific accessibility tools contained within the products.

For a full overview of the course and sessions click here.

For more information on the training and development we offer for schools and teachers please email


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