helloData - turn IT on

helloData is a unique system designed to work seamlessly with your school MIS making assessment data analysis and reporting a fast, reliable and simple process. Our powerful data solution will save you hours of time, ensure you get the most from your SIMS or RM Integris system and most importantly give you an unparalleled quality of assessment data analysis helping you understand where to make improvements and interventions. Fuelled by Power BI technology you can be confident in efficient and accurate data extraction and all of the capabilities helloData offers. This product works best with RM Integris and is also compatible with other MIS such as SIMS.


Our tool can provide a choice of ready-made data entry mark sheets to construct something unique for your needs within the MIS. Interactive and insightful PowerBI reports for schools and trusts, direct from your MIS.

Saving you hours of time in number crunching, and considerable money on purchasing alternative solutions. All with the added bonus that you can fully utilise the MIS you already have.

Our web-based reporting tool enables schools to quickly analyse and report on internal assessment data with whatever assessment framework your school uses. For those that want a ready-to-use package, we also provide a set of resources in SIMS and Integris to enter the data which feeds into the reports. For academies and groups of schools, there is also a multi-school version available. We also provide an anonymised version for use with school Governors.

helloData has transformed the way we access and use our data across the whole school. It saves time and removes the need to print off unnecessary paperwork. I would highly recommend this system to other schools. The support is efficient and invaluable.

Fiona Rose, Headteacher, St Peters C of E School


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